A Short History the Sullivan FamilyThe Sullivans, of Irish descent, were large land holders in South Carolina, in the early 1800s, with plantations in Laurens County. “Squire” Sullivan owned many slaves and operated a grist mill and other enterprises. The first Sullivan on recorded in America was Hewett Sullivan, born in Charlotte County, Virginia on the 28th of December 1763. He is known to have been in Greenville County South Carolina when he served as a private in the South Carolina Militia during the American Revolution.On the 18th of December 1787 he married Mary Dunklin in Greenville County. He died on the 11th of July 1830 in Greenville County, South Carolina. He was buried at Lebanon Church Cemetery and the tombstones give the dates and histories of the Sullivan and Arnold families.His son Joseph was born on the 17th of June 1796 in Greenfield County South Carolina. He married Temperance Arnold on the 30th of April 1820 and he died 20th of October 1849 in Tumbling Shoals South CarolinaJoseph’s son John Hewett Sullivan was born on the 8th of March 1821 in Tumbling Shoals, Laurens County, South Carolina. He married Mary Dudley Cureton in ca. 1851. They had two daughters, Katherine and Temperance, and two sons Benjamin Franklin and Charles Pleasant Washington Sullivan. All married and received family property.After the end of the American Civil War, some slaves left and some remained on the plantations. After a few years the overseer left and John said he could no longer manage the plantation. At the age of twelve, Charles took over and hired workers and kept the plantation in operation for the family.John Hewett Sullivan died on the 28th of June 1899 in the town of Hickory Tavern in Laurens County South Carolina. The following is the Obituary of John Hewett Sullivan transcribed from original newspaper clippings in the possession of his great-great-grandson William Randolph McCreight.John H. Sullivan“ … The subject of this sketch was born in Greenville County, March 8th, 1821. When quite young his parents moved to Tumbling Shoals, in Laurens County, near which place he spent most of his life.On July 14th, 1884, he was married to Miss Mary L. Cureton and together they lived happily for nearly fifty-four years. Early in life he united himself with the Baptist church and remained a constant member until the time of his death. A few years ago, he met with an accident that caused him to remain a cripple. He suffered a great deal of pain but he bore it with a Christian's fortitude. He was unable for several years to attend church, but his pastor and friends were very kind to him and preaching and prayer meetings were occasionally held at his home and on such occasions he would get full of the Holy Ghost and shout God's praises. Only a few days before his death he called his wife to his bed, and in the most tender words told her that he would soon leave her, but that separation would not be long and they would be again united in God's house never to be separated again.On the morning of July 29th just as the sun arose his soul ascended to God whom he loved and served. We miss our father and when we look on the dear old homestead, our hearts sadden, but when we look up to, the blue sky we know that father now rests in our heavenly Father's hand. Farewell! Dear father, may thy wife and all thy children meet in heaven and behold thee awaiting thy loved ones.Daughter… .” John’s son Charles Pleasant Washington Sullivan was bon in 1859. Her married Sarah Elizabeth (Betty) Garrison, daughter of Edmund Garrison and Sarah Cureton. Charles and Sarah Cureton were first cousins. Their mothers were sisters.Edmund and Sarah Garrison had twelve children, ten of whom lived to maturity and married. There were many family members in Greenville, South Carolina. Charles and Sarah spent many years in Greenville before they moved to Camden, South Carolina. Charles Sullivan later owned and operated the Camden Hotel. This building no longer exists. The U.S. Post Office now stands on its site. Charles and Sarah are both buried in Eastview Cemetery in Newton, North Carolina.Sarah Katherine Sullivan, daughter of Charles and Sarah, was born on the 30th of November 1886 in Laurens County South Carolina. She graduated from Greenville Female College, which is now a part of Furman University, in 1907. In 1910 she married Beverly Randolph McCreight in Camden. He was born on the 2nd of November 1886 in Camden.Sarah’s sister Mini Pauline Sullivan attended Greenville Female College and Chicora College. She married Shelby Edward Corbitt.Marriage announcement of Beverly Randolph McCreight and Sarah Katherine Sullivan, transcribed from the original Camden newspaper clipping. Marriage of a popular young couple“ ... Mr. Beverly R. McCreight and Miss Sarah Katherine Sullivan both of this city (sic Camden South Carolina) were married Wednesday evening last in the spacious parlor of the Hotel Camden in the presence of relatives and a few intimate friends. There were no attendants and the marriage was in every way quiet owing to a recent bereavement in the family.The parlor was decorated with beautiful ferns and smilax and the soft light was shed by numerous colored candles, leading up to and during the ceremony Mendelssohn’s wedding March and "Hearts and Flowers" were beautifully rendered by Miss Mary Nicholson.The matrimonial bans were pronounced by Rev. M. L. Lawson, Pastor of the Camden Baptist church, after which the happy young couple received the warm congratulations of all present and took their departure for an extended northern bridal tour.Mr. McCreight is manager of the estate of E. O. McCreight, deceased, and is one of the most popular young men in the city; and the bride is the charming and accomplished daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. P. W. Sullivan, the affable hosts of Hotel Camden. This young couple is both deservedly popular, and is held in the highest esteem by their host of friends, who wish them all joy and prosperity.Mrs. J. W. Simpson, of Anderson, and Mr. R. G. McCreight, brother of the groom were among those present at the marriage... .” The children of Beverly Randolph McCreight and Sarah Katherine Sullivan are:□Beverly Randolph McCreight, born the 31st of October 1911□Professor Charles Edward McCreight, born the 7th of March 1913□Ella Elizabeth McCreight, born the 6th of February 1916□Robert Sullivan McCreight, born the 25th of October 1918□Mini Katherine McCreight, born the 25th of February 1921□Sarah Pauline McCreight, born the 29th of July 1924□Mary Henry McCreight, born the 1st of March 1927HomeGenealogyPeoplePlacesGravestonesDocuments